1st June, 1992, saw the dawn of our new apostolate in the red light area at Baina. Our exploration started by visiting the families and we came to know the root causes leading them to flesh trade namely poverty destitution, ill- treatment by husband and in-laws, lack of family relationship, kidnapping, cultural and religious traditions or hereditary factors. Their husbands, parents, relatives and in-laws also forced some women into flesh trade
Majority of the women have their children living with them in Baina. They have to face the trauma of living in an atmosphere that is hardly conducive to their all round growth and well -being. As the women are busy with the trade the children are left on their own. We observed that these children spend most of the time on the streets of Baina, where they loiter aimlessly. Accidents with children involved are common incidents. They also spend time in the bars and mix with criminals and drug dealers. Children are asked to run errands for them, which involves handling of drugs. In the evenings and nights a number of young girls perform dances inn the bars for the customers. It was learnt that the pressure of their own had led them to this and their own would not just allow them to be out of it.
On the basis of our study we observed the following: –
- That there was an urgent need of a place where the children would spend time during the day and their basic needs taken care of.
- That action has to be taken to prevent the daughters of prostitutes from entering the flesh trade.
- That assistance has to be given to the women who wish to leave flesh trade and be rehabilitated.
So the above observations eventually became aims, thus to fulfill the same in June1993 our congregation of the Sisters of Holy Family of Nazareth opened a center in the red light area and named it “ASHA SADAN”, which means “HOUSE OF HOPE”. With this project we try to bring hope in the life of the children, young girls and women of that area who are usually looked down upon and live our lives harkening to the words of our Founder, “Love the poor and do not mock at their weaknesses”.
The pioneers who lunged into this challenging apostolate were Srs. Lawrencia and Roena.
The children in the red light area do have a future and Asha Sadan offers them the opportunities to do the same by the following activities.
- INSTITUTIONALISATION– A programme that house children of the Prostitutes in
boarding homes after doing all the required tests as temporary rehabilitative measure
and so also enrolled in school. Some are also given for foster care.
- INITIAL TEACHING – A programme for children in two batches of 25 and 30 each which comprises of four hours of study and then play in the premises.
- NON-FORMAL EDUCATION – For children who find it difficult to adhere of the formal system of education by offering functional literacy through play-way techniques.
Besides the above the activities carried out by Asha Sadan are visiting and counselling, Mother and Child Health programme, First Aid and Health checkups, Needle work and tailoring, preparing them and helping them to receive sacraments, organizing contests, seminars, picnics and sports, so also children’s day, women’s day and other days of national significance.
The good work began in the red light area at Baina is still continued with the zealous spirit of the sisters and the staff at work in the center. Sr. Lawerencia was the directress of the center-assisted by Sr. Andrea. Then followed Sr. Crina and Sr. Samantha assisted her. At present, we have Sr. Lawrencia, in-charge, with Sr. Jaya Kodi as the Assistant. The work done here at this center is noteworthy as it saved the precious lives of many from the troubled waters of prostitution.
So thus we see Asha Sadan helps them find the ray of hope beyond the troubled waters.
The ray of hope that is unseen but yet felt
Not yielding quick results but yet progressing
Challenging yet keeps you lost in ADMIRATION.
The work at Asha Sadan has been quite successful during this period. To our delight the number of activities have increased. In fact, the work is growing and is functioning well by God’s grace. At the same time we are happy that we are able to prevent many children of the red light from getting into the flesh trade as well as rehabilitate a number of commercial sex workers