16th July 1953 was the day of a great blessing to the village and Parishioners of Agacaim, where in the tiny fragment of Holy Family Sisters took root. It was the kind and earnest request of the then Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Bernando Pereira and in the opinion of His Grace Ach. D. Jose Alvernaz.
So a set of Sisters Leticia, Clara, Dorothy and Celine accompanied by Mother Bertha Superior of Sancoale finally landed on the soil of Agacaim but the heavy showers wetted the sisters and their luggage. On reaching there the neighbour were at their disposal to help the sisters in cleaning the new house. The convent was installed at the house of Mr. August Gonsalves who was residing in Margao. A sum of Rs. 250/- was given to them by the Sup. General M. Edith for a period of 7 months. Sr. Celine was the first Superior of that house.
On 20th July 1953 the first School was started with 20 children for morning classes and 50 in the evening. The school trained the children right from A.B.C to Segund grau of Portuguese, to read and write in Konkani and first class in English. The total strength of student at the end was 192. as the students went on increasing the A.B.C and the initially classes were shifted into the house of Maria Concecao Gonsalves which was later entrusted to sisters. Besides this Tailoring and needle work classes were also introduced. The sisters were also involved in the Pastoral work in Catechism and visiting the people in the village.
In Aug’53 of that same year Mother General came for her 1st Canonical visit. The sisters received a sum of Rs. 500/- a subsidy from confraria for the maintenance of the house. In Nov. Patriarch D. Jose Alvernaz and Mons. Joao Fernandes visited the convent in the year 195 and donated a sum of Rs. 1500/- to construct a house to start the project. Now std. II for English was raised. On June 21st 1956 the house was bought and named it as ‘St. Anthony’s Convent’. The sisters too were in need of a plot their maintenance; the sisters purchased the land belonging to the committee. In the year 1956-57 the sisters began teaching up to III std. English, besides the flower and fruit making classes. One Mr. Edward Gonsalves donated the statue of St. Anthony to the convent. 1957-58 the management included some two outside teachers. In the year 1959-60 two sisters were sent for segund grau exam and both passed. In 1960-61 Portuguese was taught up to 4th Std and many students passed with distinctions. Now Sr. Celine took over the term of Superior ship from Sr. Circumcisao. From 1968 to 1973 Sr. Anges were the superior Sr. Ursula in primary section and Sr. Antonette for K.G in Dandi. In 1970 the Balwadi was recognized but only from73’ onwards Rs.1000/- was sanctioned for Nutrition and other purposes. In 1975 Sr. Bertha took over and resigned after three years on account of her eyesight, Sr. Dorothy was then the Superior of the house. From 1981 Sr. Gema started going to Pillar to help the old and bed-ridden priest twice a week.
The sisters till now carry on the work started by the pioneers, i.e. Pastoral work, teaching the Balwadi (pre-primary) visiting, directing Legion of Mary etc. since 1987 sisters were teaching once again in the parochial school but now we are not teaching. From 1983 the boarding is specialized only for the boys, which had actually begun in 1963. The community observes 13th. June as the patron feast and 6th July day of Perpetual Adoration.
For all the marvelous wonders experienced at the Lords hands we sing the mercies of the Lord.