From 1984 Rev. Fr. Jose Inacio Loiola Gomes, native from Seraulim has bought a plot for sisters preferably for Sancoale sisters when Rev. Fr. Pedro Alvares was the parish priest in 1984.
In 1987 Rev. Fr. Macedonio D’costa came as parish priest who worked hard put out the fence around the property and invited the Sisters of Holy Family Congregation to work but due to many reasons it was postponed. In 2002, Rev. Fr. Cypriano D’Silva was the parish priest made attempt to invite our sisters but Bishop Raul Gonsalves did not allow, as he was not in favour of sending sisters in developed areas.
At last in 2004, Rev. Fr. Jhonsie, the parish priest invited sisters to work in this village of Seraulim. At his request our Superior General Rev. Sr. Milena, councilors Srs. Alvita and Santana came to see the house and the place where Fr. Jhonsie has arrange the temporary stay for the sisters. The house was of Mr. Luisilo Rebello as it was vacant for some years. He was very kind and generous to allow the sisters to stay in his house for two years.
Rev. Fr. Jhonsie made a written agreement with the Superior General Sr. Milena sfn and asked the permission of Bishop Filipe Neri Ferrao. We were asked to come on every weekend i.e. Saturday evening to Sunday evening and also visit some families and spent the night and afternoon at Mr. Newton and Mrs. Janette Coutinho’s place, she did all her best to make our stay comfortable. Sunday morning after mass two sisters went to teach catechism and one sister attended Legion of Mary meeting.
We came from Sancoale for three weekends from 8th June to 23rd June 2007. Rev. Fr. Jhonsie and the parishioners has shown the need of sisters are involved in visiting the families, teaching catechism, attending Legion of Mary meeting as well as St. Vincent de Paul meetings, charismatic meetings, supervision of Church cleaning, decoration, distribution of Holy Communion and Pre- Primary School for children as per their need. Rev. Fr. Jhonsie, took lot of trouble and interest to clean the house as it was closed and old also repaired the electricity, toilets, tank water pipes etc along with the members of Legion of Mary. Some junior sisters came along with Sr. Concy and Rita and they brought our luggage.
On 29th June 2007 Holy Family Sisters of Nazareth have opened a new community at Seraulim, Acsona, Salcete on the feast of St.Peter and Paul at the house of Mr. Luisito Rebello. Rev. Sr. Milena, the Superior General along with Sr. Nicasia the superior of Holy Family convent at Sancoale came with Srs. Fremiot, Concy and Rita to open the new house.
Rev. Fr. Jhonsie Colaco and Bro. Peter D’costa tried hard to keep things ready. Our inauguration of the house started at 4 pm with a Prayer Service where Rev. Fr. Jhonsie Colaco and Bro. Peter D’costa were present and P.P.C members, many Sisters from different communities, as well as Councillors – Srs. Bernadine, Alvita and Santana. Sr. Milena our Superior General and Sr. Gilda stayed back to spend the night with us. From then onwards till today we in our own simple and generous ways try to spread God’s love without counting the cost.