We give glory to God who made us to stand firm in His presence. As we focus to a rising sun, the very significance and sacrifice we see in the sun the virtue of burning zeal, which enlightens the whole universe by its golden rays. Miraj is the famous city, which belongs to the Maharashtra state with diverse cultures people around it. As the request of Rt. Rev Bishop Valerian D’souza of Pune opened this house in Miraj on 16th June, 1990, in the dioceses of Pune. On 15th June 1990, the Srs. Leonie, Josephita, Martina & Novice Jennifer Mascarenhas after the prayer service at 8 am left for Miraj from the Mother House Sancoale, Goa in order to open a new mission house. On 16th June sisters arrived in Miraj where Rev. Fr V.S.Lourdo the Parish Priest of Miraj and his Assistant brother Lui Heredias welcome them with great joy and warm smile at Rosary Church Miraj. Since 16th June was the foundation day to the Congregation of the Holy Family Sisters, that same day on 16th June 1990 after 55 years, our sisters step in Miraj to open a new mission house and to start a mission journey with the Lord.
Sisters spend the day in the Church and in the evening after the mass at 5.30 pm, sisters shifted with their entire luggage to their new residence at Bethlenagar. In 1991 on 14th May in a small rented house 4 kms away from the Church and Catholic community with the exception of one neighbor and elderly Hindu couple and a little further on a cluster of houses of convert protestant (Hindu protestant). Brother Lui and Brother William accompanied the sisters and helped them to unload their luggage. Then later on they started to stay in the railway quarters for many years at Miraj and finally shifted to a new residence on 14th May 1994 at Nazareth Seva Niketan Samthanagar, Miraj. Sisters adhere to the charism of their Congregation and according to the needs of local Church carry on the following works
- Education work: – Balwadi
- Medical: – Visiting in Miraj and surroundings villages
- Social, Needle work, Tailoring, Stitching, Faith formation;
- Re – evangelization, catechism, help in the parish work.
At present Sr. Merlyn is the animator and Srs. Ethel, Rupa & Vincita are in the community of Miraj.The City of Miraj is divided into 10 Areas & 3 sub- station (Sangli, Jaysinghpur, and Kiloskarwadi) where sisters are in charge of these areas & take up the responsibilities by visiting them. As Per the other activities sisters take up catechism for Adults, First Holy Communion, Post Holy Communion, and Confirmation Classes for Children. Sisters are also involved in Parish council, Youth, Altar servers, visiting the sick in homes, old age home, hospitals, (like mentally retarded) conducting prayer service for them. One sister is involved in the Parish school and also conducting Rosary in the families. Some areas are very far so sisters walk all through far distances otherwise they go by cycling to visit the families. Here people are always ready to render their help in any way. In this mission there are, lot of challenges, in spite of all these troubles without thinking of our health, climate and time we totally give ourselves for the people in the formation of faith through we have experienced tremendous joy & inner peace.
We are grateful to God for giving us the privilege to work in this mission. Sisters do all their work with great dedication, enthusiasm & love for the service of Christ and to spread His love far and wide especially to those who seek Him very much.