Mt. Abu Convent



Mount Abu is a historical place where lots of tourists come to enjoy its beauty and peace. God has blessed it with majestic mountain and hills, deep valleys, thick forest with various kinds of animals and birds, silent atmosphere, cool breeze and thick dark mist in the monsoon which suddenly appears from the high mounts and covers the place specially mount Abu and makes you to experience God’s presence in His creation.


In this place Christian Brothers are spreading the kingdom of God. In the year 2006 these Brothers felt the need of the sisters to cater the workload of their mission at St. Mary’s High School. Bro. Wilfy approached to our Superior General Rev. Sr. Milena and placed his idea regarding the same and requested for three sisters to work at Mt. Abu. Then the Superior General placed the request before her council. After prayer and discussion they agreed to take up the mission at Mt. Abu Rajasthan. The council suggested to send Srs. Neves, Valentine and Fabiola as per their work concerned. After consulting and taking each ones opinion, they decided to go and the place personally.


Rev. Sr. Milena and three of us left for Mt. Abu on the 26th Nov. 2006 by train and reached there on 27th noon at 12.30. Mr. Christanand the Principal of St. Mary’s H. School along with one came to collect us by car. Mrs. Sharon D’mello gave us a warm welcome and made us feel at home. She was very concerned about our stay and made it comfortable by providing us food, warm blankets and hot coffee and drinks.  Christian Brothers also welcomed us warmly and were happy to se us. Next day Bro. Miles and the principal took us all around to show the school and the other departments. They showed us the boarding dormitories and Hospy and introduced us the works we have to take up later on when we join them. Side by side they also managed to show us to take up some tourist spots which we all enjoyed. After one-week experience at Mt. Abu we returned to Goa on 2nd Dec. 2007.


Our mission begins at Mt. Abu Rajasthan. Since class X Std boys had to answer their ICIC board exams, Brothers asked us to be here by 12th Feb. 2007. So we three along with Rev. Sr. Milena, our Superior General left on 11th Feb. 2007 and reached to Mt. Abu on the 12th. Bro. Miles and one teacher came to receive us at the station. Bros. welcomed us warmly and provided us food and introduced us the house where we had to stay.


It was extremely cold to step in but trusting in God’s Providence and asking guidance and help from the Holy Family we begin our mission. Sr. Neves as the animator and Srs. Valentine and Fabiola were the members of Holy Family Sadan.  Our assigned duties were Sr. Neves took up the charge of big boys dormitory, Sr. Fabiola was in charge of small boys dormitory and chapel and Sr. Valentine took charge of Hospi full time. Some times when the work was too much we helped each other.


Since the boys had to come by 17th Feb. we had to arrange and keep ready everything for ICIC boys. 4th March was the day of arrival for all the boarding boys and so it was a very hectic day since we had to attend the parents and boys to give them their respective places, but everything went on well till the end as they organized everything methodically. We had 250 boys in the boarding.

On 5th March was the re-opening day of the St. Mary’s H. School at Mt. Abu. The school principal organized a staff meeting cum Prayer Services at 10.30 am, we were invited and he introduced us as new staff members of St. Mary’s H. School Community at Mt. Abu. Each staff was given a file and a copy of school calendar and a list of whole year curricular activities of the school. We felt that we belong to St. Mary’s H. School community as we are given opportunities to be present and to participate for all the activities of St. Mary’s community. Every morning we begin our day with touch of God’s love and we enjoy the company of the children under our care and the work entrusted to us.


We thank and praise God for giving us the opportunity to serve Him in the boys we care and the experience His wonders in His creation, which helps us to raise our hearts and mind to the maker of Heaven and Earth.


Holy Family Sadan, Mt.Abu-Rajasthan

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