



On     May 1992 we the sisters of Holy Family of Nazareth launched in the new venture of serving the differently able children. A great challenging work undertaken by, Rev. Sr. Jane sfn for a noble cause of rehabilating them.


A great challenge and a new apostolate with a very new set up. Filled with the spirit Srs. Meena and Ameeta entered the community. The director Msgr. Fr. Albeto Luis and the then Principal Miss. Marjorie Mendonca welcomed the sisters. After a week Sr. Dorothy was appointed as the animator of the community along with Sr. Abina as the member came to the community. The four began the journey trusting in God to do our best.


Before we took up this task Sr. Meena worked in 1991to1992 as a special teacher, so she could guide the sisters of the various units and the work. We all worked in collaboration helping each other, knowing and learning together with the children.


Initially it was a difficult task since there was number of things, which we were not able to comprehend, and beyond our knowledge and yet we had to do things on our own. In the beginning we started with a few children. The number of children grew gradually as the years passed by and we too learned the work very fast as our desire increased in serving the Lord through this less fortunate. The works that we carry on in this institution is

-Hostel-separate for the boys and girls to be taken care of

-In charge in the kitchen


-Poultry and dairy farm


-Prosthetic centre (artificial limbs) to be supervised

-Printing Press

-Bakery and Confectionery Units

-Candle making

-Carpentry and welding units etc.


At present, the animator of the community and under whose guidance and leadership of its team members are working in close collaboration for the upliftment of these less fortunate children. Having experienced all these years the hardships and the happiness, the work has been appreciated far and wide by all the people who visit us. Each day we plunge into the service having just one aspiration in our mind and heart, that we become God’s loving and caring reflection on this earth to these children of ours.

Holy Family Sisters, Centre for the Handicapped-Old Goa

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