On 31st May, 1997, at 7pm Srs. Emilia, Joythi and Veena came to Bambolim and since the flat was not completed they started to stay with Mrs. Christina Fernandes. On 2nd June, Sr. Neves joined them as a superior.
On 13th October, flat was inaugurated (new house at Bambolim) Superior General Sr. Pia along with her assistant Sr. Lydia, Councillors Sr. Milena, Sr. Lourdes and many others were present. The house was inaugurated at the hands of our Co-Foundress Mother Nativity. Rev. Freddy blessed it, then the Parish Priest of Bambolim. He also celebrated the inaugural mass. Many of our friends and well wishers attended the inauguration and mass. On 1st November Srs. came to stay in the new house.
Our work over there is sisters are over all in charge to look at the supervision of the Shrine, conduct Holy Hours etc., hospital ministry- two sisters go to visit sick at G.M.C and distribute Holy Communion and also to visit families in the village. Sisters also teach catechism on every Sunday at the church of our Lady of Bellem. Sisters started B.C.C at Bamboilm. Sisters are involved in the youth activities.
Now at present, we have five sisters, carrying on the same work of experiencing the Lord very closely and spreading His fragrance in our simple work and life style.
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