St. Paul wrote to the Christian of Galatia: But the time had fully come, God send forth His Son, born of woman, born under the law, so that receive adoption of Son’s”. It was Asia where Jesus was born in the flesh. It was in Asia where Jesus preached the Good News, suffered and died, rose again, breathed the Holy Spirit upon His disciples and sent then to the ends of the earth to proclaim the Good News and gather together communities of believers. With this same missionary zeal Srs. Dolorosa, Verona and Rosy were sent as pioneer missionaries to Corgao. Corgao is a village about 10km away from Pernem. The sisters arrived at Corgao on 29th May 1993 at the request of Fr. Felix Lobo, for the apostolate of teaching in the School and Pastoral work. The Parish Priest along with some parishioners accorded them a warm welcome. The three pioneering missionaries had a vision to bear witness to Christ and His gospel and to serve the needy and orphans. The sisters became very essential part of the mission especially in the preparation of catechumens and the education of the children.
At the initially stages sisters had no proper residence, they have to shift from one place to another. Inspite of this hardship, they continued their pioneering work of evangelization with great zeal and enthusiasm. First they were staying in a school classroom for a month, then in the house of Marina. Here they stayed nearly for seven years. In the year 1999 the owner of the house asked them to vacate and again they shifted back to the classroom. Now there was a dire need of a proper residence so that their multifarious activities would be conducted smoothly. Thus on a bright day of March 25th 1999 on the feast day of Our Lady of Annunciation, the foundation was laid for the SFN sisters. At a short but meaningful ceremony Fr. Felix Lobo pastor in charge blessed and laid the foundation stone.
It was in the month of May 2000 sisters residence was ready. As the month is dedicated to Our Heavenly Mother, who protect, intercedes and stands on our side in times of need. Sisters entrusted themselves to the heavenly Mother and on 31st May 2000 entered in their new residence. And it was on this day a feast of visitation the new residence was inaugurated and they named the convent as ‘Jyothi Niwas’. Rev. Sr. Pia, Superior General and Srs. Lydia, Fremiot, Carmen, Milena and Anne came for the function.
The main work of the sisters is Pastoral work and teaching in School. Sisters also do visiting families and hospital visits. Since some wards in this village are quite far away from the parish church. So use to go and spend weekends with them and prepare them to take part in the Eucharistic Celebration in their Chapels. Due to visiting and constant encountered with the people, enabled them to come closer to the Church especially from their idol worship.
In willing Obedience, the SFN Sisters give their lives whole-heartedly in service to others in the Spirit of simplicity, adjustability, hospitality and community living. When we are called we go where we are needed. The animator and the members live like a family living in service to God: the God who keeps using us to light the flame of love in the world.
Today we sing God’s praises for His marvellous and countless gifts. His love is out pouring on all His creatures. We are privilege to taste His love through these Corgao people.