

Go to the whole world and proclaim the good news to the poor and needy was the mission given to our first founding sisters. After crossing many rivers, bridges, forest and deserts on 13th June, 2000, Srs. Idaline, Saude and Jennifer landed to Jaipur to start a new community and Sr. Milena the councilor accompanied them. On 15th June, afternoon Sisters reached Jaipur. Fr. Raymond came to receive them at the station and took sisters to the father’s residence at Malviya Nagar. In the evening Fr. Raymond celebrated mass welcoming the sisters in the Diocese at the C.M.C. sister’s chapel.

On 16th June after mass Fr. Raymond took the sisters to the new place where they would start the community. Fr. showed them the rented house, which he had arranged for them. He repainted the house but the few fittings had to be done. So Fr. asked the sisters to stay at Malviya Nagar till then. He also purchased the necessary items for the house at his cost.

On 18th June Fr. took them to Ajmer to meet the Bishop for the first time. After lunch Bishop took them, to his private prayer room. He prayed and blessed them, and then he spoke to them regarding the different apostolate, that the sisters would carry on in different places. On 24th June morning along with their luggage they shifted to their new place in Jhotwara. In the evening at 6.00 clock they had the blessing of their rented house wherein they had a short Prayer Service. The owner of the house along with his family was present. From that day onwards they started staying in the rented house. From 25th June they started having mass in their community everyday and the name was given “Holy Family Convent “.

On 23rd March 2001 some sisters from Goa came for the inauguration. On 26th March was the inauguration of the new house. The mass was at 6 o’clock in the evening. The Bishop Ignatius Menezes of Ajmer- Jaipur Diocese was the main celebrant and many fathers, sisters, benefactors and friends were present. Sr. Carmen released the ribbon. The Blessed Sacrament was placed in the new house and sisters started staying in the house. In the month of August 2001 they started having mass for the people (parishioners) in their residence and children were kept back to teach a few formal prayers and catechism. From 21st April 2002 they stared attending mass in the school basement and catechism classes were taken in different classrooms.

The sisters are teaching in the school and also looking after the office. The sisters too engage themselves in all the parish activities such as visiting the families, B.C.C, catechism, in charge of youth. They conduct different programs and activities for the children and parishioners especially at Christmas Season. Though the sisters were not familiar with the language and the climate as it is extreme, very hot in summers and very cold in winters and scanty rainfall, yet trusting in God’s providence they continued working for the people.

At present the animator with its members are continuing the same apostolate that was started by our founding sisters. There is a lot of change in the lives of the people over here and we are challenged every moment, and yet our sisters work vibrantly. For our aim is to be transparent of God’s love through our humble and simple service.

Holy Family Convent, Jaipur-Rajasthan

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