Located on the coastline with palm trees, refreshing winds and the salty air is a spot for peace and calm. It was here that initially, our sisters had come for rest and relaxation once a year and the people flock around them with joy. Our sisters visited some families, which created a bond between the two and continued likewise for some years.
Later, the Parish Priest Rev. Robert Barretto realizing the need of the presence and work of the sisters among the people, he approached Fr. Faustino De Souza our founder to open a house in the village of Cansaulim. He invited the sisters to work in his Parish, to teach in the Parochial School (St.ThomasHigh School) and to start a boarding house. So thus in response to his invitation on 3rd June 1962 two of our sisters namely Sr. Mary Gertrude and Sr. Mary Bertha set out on foot from Sancoale to Cansaulim to open a new branch house.
As they entered their new abode, they met the other two sisters Sr.MariaPia and Sr. Mary Victoria who came to help them in the new mission at Cansaulim. The new house was dedicated to St. Anne who is the Patroness of this community.
As we know the beginnings are always tough and rather challenging, the same was with our sisters in this community. But with the kind and generous help of the Parish Priest things moved onto meet the aims of the said community. Sr.Gertrude and Sr.Dolorosa engaged themselves in teaching at the Parochial School while Sr. Bertha took charge of the needlework classes and besides this she was conducting reading and writing classes in Konkani, English as well as flower making, painting and embroidery. She was also the Boarding Mistress. The sisters in the rented house carried on the above works. Hence the great need of having our own house was deeply felt and the first step of the fulfillment of the same was on 21st February 1969 wherein the foundation stone of the building was laid and blessed by Fr. Robert Barretto. The dream of our new house became reality as our Fr. Founder blessed the new house and celebrated the Eucharistic Banquet imploring God’s blessing on us sisters and the people of Cansaulim.
Gradually the work, which was begun by our sisters in the village of Cansaulim, has progressed. Our sisters are now carrying on the Kindergarten classes in our convent. The numbers of students are—- in —–divisions. Two sisters along with two lay teachers carry on this work of enlightening little minds effectively. The apostolate of the boarding and the Pastoral work in the Parish is also progressing thus making our mission effective. Besides teaching catechism in the ParishChurch our sisters also go to the Chapels at Arossim to teach catechism.
Great is our Lord, great are His works, for they manifest the greatness of His love. The same has been the experience of our sisters from then on till now. Hence to proclaim the same, we move on with great eagerness and zeal so that in all that we do, the people feel Christ’s loving presence.